3 syllable r-controlled words

3 syllable r-controlled words

less than a minute read 05-09-2024
3 syllable r-controlled words

R-controlled words are fascinating in the English language. They involve a vowel that is followed by the letter "r," which changes the way the vowel sounds. When these r-controlled vowels are in three-syllable words, they create unique pronunciations that can be fun to explore.

What Are R-Controlled Vowels?

R-controlled vowels occur when a vowel is followed by an "r," altering its pronunciation. The most common r-controlled vowels include:

  • ar as in "car"
  • er as in "her"
  • ir as in "bird"
  • or as in "for"
  • ur as in "fur"

Examples of 3 Syllable R-Controlled Words

Here are some examples of three-syllable r-controlled words:

1. Calculator

  • Breakdown: Cal-cu-la-tor
  • R-Controlled Vowel: The "or" in "tor" is r-controlled, influencing the vowel sound.

2. Generator

  • Breakdown: Gen-er-a-tor
  • R-Controlled Vowel: The "er" in "er" contributes to the overall sound of the word.

3. Incorporate

  • Breakdown: In-cor-po-rate
  • R-Controlled Vowel: The "or" in "cor" changes how we pronounce the vowel.

4. Secretary

  • Breakdown: Sec-re-ta-ry
  • R-Controlled Vowel: The "ar" in "ta-ry" makes it unique.

5. Persecutor

  • Breakdown: Per-se-cu-tor
  • R-Controlled Vowel: The "ur" in "tor" alters the sound as well.

The Importance of R-Controlled Words

R-controlled words are crucial for:

  • Phonics Learning: They help children learn the complexities of vowel sounds.
  • Vocabulary Expansion: Understanding these words can enhance vocabulary.
  • Reading Fluency: Mastering r-controlled syllables can improve reading skills.


R-controlled words, especially those with three syllables, play an essential role in English pronunciation and vocabulary. They not only make the language more intriguing but also provide valuable learning opportunities for students. Exploring these words can enhance reading and speaking abilities, making them an essential part of language education.

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