list of digraph words

list of digraph words

less than a minute read 02-09-2024
list of digraph words

Digraphs are pairs of letters that together make one sound. They are an important aspect of phonics and are commonly found in the English language. Understanding digraphs can enhance reading and writing skills. Here’s a comprehensive list of common digraphs along with examples.

What are Digraphs?

Digraphs can be categorized into two types:

  • Vowel Digraphs: Combinations of two vowels that create a single sound.
  • Consonant Digraphs: Combinations of two consonants that produce a unique sound.

Consonant Digraphs

  1. ch

    • Words: chair, cheese, chop, church, child
  2. sh

    • Words: ship, shoe, wish, bush, fish
  3. th

    • Words: this, that, thumb, thorn, math
  4. ph

    • Words: phone, graph, photo, dolphin, alphabet
  5. wh

    • Words: what, when, why, where, which
  6. ng

    • Words: sing, ring, long, king, hang

Vowel Digraphs

  1. ai

    • Words: rain, sail, train, paint, brain
  2. ee

    • Words: tree, bee, see, free, feet
  3. oa

    • Words: boat, road, coat, soap, toad
  4. ou

    • Words: out, shout, cloud, round, found
  5. ea

    • Words: sea, read, dream, bread, meat
  6. ei

    • Words: reign, vein, weigh, eight, neighbor

Importance of Digraphs

Understanding digraphs helps in:

  • Reading Proficiency: Recognizing digraphs can lead to quicker and more efficient reading.
  • Spelling Skills: Knowing common digraphs aids in correct spelling of many words.
  • Phonemic Awareness: Digraphs are crucial for developing phonemic awareness which is essential for literacy.


Digraphs play a significant role in the English language and mastering them can greatly enhance one’s reading and writing skills. Familiarize yourself with these digraph words to improve your language proficiency!

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