word that start with le

word that start with le

less than a minute read 02-09-2024
word that start with le

When it comes to expanding your vocabulary, focusing on specific prefixes can be quite beneficial. In this article, we will explore some interesting words that begin with the prefix "le."

Common Words That Start with "Le"

  1. Leverage

    • Definition: The use of various resources to maximize advantages.
    • Example: Companies often leverage technology to improve their efficiency.
  2. Legal

    • Definition: Relating to the law.
    • Example: It's important to understand your legal rights.
  3. Legacy

    • Definition: Something handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.
    • Example: The artist left behind a legacy of innovative works.
  4. Legend

    • Definition: A traditional story or a person who is famous for doing something extraordinary.
    • Example: The legend of King Arthur has fascinated audiences for centuries.
  5. Lethargy

    • Definition: A state of sluggishness or lack of energy.
    • Example: After a long night, I felt a sense of lethargy throughout the day.

Less Common Words Starting with "Le"

  1. Leisure

    • Definition: Free time when you are not working.
    • Example: During leisure time, I enjoy reading books.
  2. Lemonade

    • Definition: A beverage made from lemons, sugar, and water.
    • Example: On a hot day, a glass of lemonade is incredibly refreshing.
  3. Lethal

    • Definition: Sufficient to cause death.
    • Example: The venom of some snakes can be lethal.
  4. Lethargic

    • Definition: Affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic.
    • Example: I felt lethargic after eating a heavy meal.
  5. Leverageable

    • Definition: Capable of being leveraged or utilized to maximum advantage.
    • Example: The team's skills are leverageable for future projects.


Words that start with "le" can enrich your vocabulary and enhance your communication skills. Whether you are looking for common words or less frequently used ones, understanding their meanings and applications can be very helpful.

Feel free to explore more words that start with "le" to further broaden your linguistic horizons!

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